#6 – Start a Journal

Friday Fun

journal_mike-siscoI started a personal journal in 1998. Then in 2000, the year I left my corporate CIO position to start my company, MDE Enterprises, Inc (also known as the IT Manager Institute), I created a 2nd journal that focused strictly on my company. For many years, I kept 2 journals – a personal journal and a company journal.

“So what?”, you might ask.

I guess my point is that I wish I had started journaling at the beginning of my career. From time to time, I will look back through an early journal and it always strikes me about things that happened that I had essentially forgotten. Many of these memories are special and I’m so thankful I took the time to put them on paper.

My company journal chronicles the events of my young company, , , growth, strategies, and many memorable experiences that would be lost had I not put them in the journal. So glad I did because it puts me “right there” when I read about them. I can literally feel the excitement and anxious moments when I launched a new book or training class or developed a new year strategy.

I know there are some great experiences early in my career that I wish I could remember, but they are probably lost forever. Likewise, there are people I have met along my long journey that I don’t remember, , , experiences and events that would be nice, even interesting, to read about now.

journal_MDEI’ve given hundreds of journals to people in the last 20 years or so.

  • Every Christmas I give a journal to a few of my family members
  • Dozens of MDE journals to  IT Manager Institute class members
  • Journal gifts to people I’ve worked with in consulting roles
  • Journals and fountain pens to special friends and family

In doing this, many have taken up the hobby of journaling. My sister-in-law takes it to new heights, , , her journals are amazing. My brother journals in a more basic manner but he is an excellent writer. He and I enjoy the experience of using fountain pens and that’s the pen of choice when journaling.

Me, I add photos, graphics, and even try to draw some to try and make my journal pages more interesting to look through. As you might expect, there are lots of photos of Dorine (my late wife) and Eddie (our son). GREAT MEMORIES are worth documenting, I think. Private thoughts, dreams, documenting special events that happen, and just putting ideas down are all part of what I do. There is no exact method, , , you simply write down what you want to record, , , or put in an image that makes you feel good, , , or at least, that’s what I do.

GREAT MEMORIES are worth documenting!

What caused me to write this article?

Good question and a memory that I’ll be writing about in my current journal this weekend, , , because it means something to me. I received a letter this week from Matt Branigan, a CEO who hired me as an “interim CIO” for a company in 2014-2015. He needed me to fix the IT support organization and ultimately help them find a permanent CIO, which I did. Matt became a good friend, so when my time came to an end I gave Matt a journal with a personal note inscribed inside. In his letter, he mentioned the journaling caption I wrote about in my annual Sisco Christmas Letter this past December; and he said he had started journaling in a leather bound journal with handmade paper given to him by a good friend, , , ME !!!!



Believe me when I tell you that looking back in your journal will be rewarding and fun later in life. Again, I wish I had started earlier in my career; but I’m grateful to have started when I did in 1998. Lots of great content in my journals, , , even a few dollars hidden in some of the pages for a reader to find, , , JUST FOR FUN!!

The perfect time to start a new journal is anytime, , , but the beginning of a year works really well.

GOOD LUCK, , , and enjoy the experience!

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Tuesday TIP #4


Motivate Staff With An IT Kickoff Meeting

mike siscoWant to do something that will JUMP START YOUR NEW YEAR?

The beginning of a new year has a feeling and an energy you get that you want to take advantage of. People feel somewhat renewed and excited about entering a new year. They are back from the holidays and there is a level of excitement in the air.

One of the first Practical IT Manager Training Series videos I created was about holding an IT Kickoff Meeting. In it, I cover all the things you need to do to deliver a professional, effective, and memorable Kickoff Meeting. These timeless principles and the process will work for any organization.

My first experience with a Kickoff Meeting was when I was an IBM Systems Engineer. It was highly motivational and easy for me to see the value in such an event. I incorporated Kickoff Meetings into my management agenda and it certainly paid dividends for me, , , it can do the same for you.

CLICK HERE to watch the 35-minute video, , , it will walk you step by step through a comprehensive process to create an effective KICKOFF MEETING that they aren’t going to forget, , , GUARANTEED!


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2023-2024I hope your holidays and this past year were great. More importantly, I wish your NEW YEAR (2024) to be one of the best in your career.

A big part of making your year good, , , or GREAT, , ,  is about attitude. I’m a big believer that we create an energy around us based upon our attitude and demeanor, , , at work and even in life. People who are positive and get things done ACHIEVE MORE SUCCESS!

I’ve struggled with this after losing my wife and best friend (Miss Dorine) in 2020 from COVID. I don’t know this for certain but the challenges Eddie and I encountered in 2021 and 2022 may have resulted from my poor attitude, , , at least somewhat I’m sure. 2023 was much better and guess what, , , my attitude and perspective of things was much better. I believe there is a “cause and effect” in all of this.

Which brings me to 2024!!

For the first time in 4 years, I enter the year with enthusiasm and excitement about being able to work again. It’s not that I have to work, but I want to work, , , I love my work and making efforts to achieve my company mission of, “helping IT Managers of the world achieve more success”. I’m excited about the possibilities of 2024!

We will begin in earnest next week after Eddie and I wrap up our holiday time, , , I usually take 2 weeks off at the end of the year to refocus and re-energize, , , and watch college football BOWL GAMES.

I hope you have taken time to enjoy family and “recharge” as well, , , a little downtime is very important.

2024REMEMBER, , , ATTITUDE, whether it is positive or negative, is a choice we make and it is always within our control. One of the best examples I see every day is my son, Eddie. His attitude is positive every day, even when he is sick or deals with his challenges. If Eddie can be happy and positive, then I can certainly work on this. Believe me, it makes a difference and like I said earlier, I think positive attitude creates positive energy around you, , , and this can help you be more successful. I can feel it right now as I write this post.

Here are a few photos from Eddie and my holidays, , , HAPPY NEW YEAR and BEST of SUCCESS in 2024!


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Friday FUN #3

Friday Fun

mark_photgrapherAssign a “paparazzi” to your team

You know what a “paparazzi” is, right? It’s someone who takes photos or video clips of famous people in their day-to-day lives, , , people like actors, sports stars, politicians, celebrities, etc.

One of the best ways to generate enthusiasm and motivate people is to deliver a slideshow and upbeat music in a staff meeting, Annual Kickoff Meeting, or special event. I picked up on this early in my career when I was with IBM, , , and I’ve used this myself for dozens of meetings and events in my career.


I assign a paparazzi to every IT Manager Institute class I deliver. At the end of the program. I share the photos with each person, and I give them copies on the class flash drive. Not only does it go over big with the students, but it creates a lifetime of memories for me as well, , , VERY SPECIAL.

photographerThe photographer you see at the top is my brother, Mark. He is an avid photographer and has a great eye for capturing quality and unusual images with his camera. Find someone with this talent who can blend in and just happens to be at the right place at the right time and you will have a winner.

Doing things like this can separate you from others and make it fun to work in your organization. This is great motivation material and it doesn’t cost a dime.

CLICK HERE to view some of the “paparazzi moments” in my IT Manager Institute classes.

paparazzi pdf cover

Friday FUN #2

Friday Fun

Dead Chicken Award

dead chickenI’ve shared the “Dead Chicken Award” idea with IT Managers all over the world, and I have yet to find anyone who knew what it is all about. I’ve used this principle a couple of times, , , in both cases it was with a younger team. It won’t go over as well with a senior or older group of employees.

This is one of many motivational techniques I’ve used successfully in my corporate days of managing IT organizations. Working in IT is challenging and can be stressful for your employees, , , and you.

This is why we need to take a break from time to time and find a way to have fun at work. Trust me, your employees will appreciate you and it will set you apart when you work at making your work environment a more fun place to be.

The “Dead Chicken Award” may not be the one for you, , , you need to do things that you are personally comfortable with and that’s appropriate for your particular team. But whatever you do, it’s important to introduce a thing or two, , , or three that lightens things up and helps your team have some fun. You will discover it helps motivate people.

CLICK HERE to watch the 8-minute video that explains it all.

dead chicken video