#7 – Bite The Head Of A Frog


frog UGH!  What a terrible thought, , , “bite the head of a frog“. 

DISGUSTING, don’t you think?

Well, actually it is a great management topic that I first learned about in 2002, over 20 years ago. Paul Squillante, one of my IBM instructors in the early days of my career and one of the all-time great characters I’ve gotten to know told me about, “Bite The Head Of A Frog”.

BACKGROUND:  Paul had joined an Atlanta company I worked with so we became good friends. Two years after I left the corporate world “to do my own thing”, Paul and I decided to have lunch to catch up with one another. At the time, I was developing content for my 12th book – IT Management Models. I kept a journal dedicated to collect material for the new book, and I decided to show it to Paul.

modelsI’ll never forget what he said after looking through the journal, “If you are going to do this, you have to include, “Bite The Head Of A Frog“.

I was dumbfounded, , , had no idea what he was talking about, , , so he began to explain. Long story short, I included this model in the new book and have shared it with thousands of IT managers around the world. Very few, if any, were familiar with this concept.

BITE THE HEAD OF A FROG:  This management principle is all about breaking through procrastination. It is human nature that when we have something distasteful to do, , , we tend to put it off and deal with it later, , , we procrastinate. It could be anything like:

  • dealing with a problematic client or employee
  • addressing a major concern with a relative
  • firing a non-performing employee
  • getting an appointment with your dentist

The point is that we put things off that we aren’t truly motivated to do. What “Bite The Head Of A Frog” says is to take care of the distasteful issue proactively:

  • Analyze the situation
  • Develop a plan to address the issue
  • Take care of it early, , , don’t put it off

This eliminates lots of stress and worry because the issue doesn’t go away, , , it nags at you in the back of your brain (or in your tooth) until you finally take care of it. You will find that when you address issues more proactively you use up less energy and helps you be more positive about your day.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Bite The Head Of A Frog:


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